Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Proud Of Myself

Yup. I said it. I'm proud of myself.

I knew I had improved during fit league. I could feel it. I had an easier time completing the warm up (as in I could do the whole thing without stopping!). My muscles weren't jelly at the end of our hour workouts. And my numbers improved with each test.

But tonight Social Boston Sports awarded me, and two other Fit Leaguers, prizes for Most Improved. At the beginning our the night tonight they called us each up one by one and told everyone about our improvements. It felt good knowing I'd worked hard and improved so much.

#ZeroExcuses Prizes for Most Improved

Who needs a team? I've got me! (though, I'd gladly accept a team if anyone wants to join me for the next Fit League which is rumored to be held outdoors).

Tonights gauntlet was tough. And my makeshift team (me, and two members from another team) went first, which meant we had to endure the learning curve. The gauntlet included shuttle runs, sprinting, bear crawling, tire moving, bean bag throwing, planks, sandbag passing, soccer goal moving, and yet still, more sprinting. Tough but fun. And we knocked a whole minute off our time the second go round!

And once I got home, I enjoyed a Victory beer. 

Some of you have had to endure my excessive Fit League talk and have been really encouraging throughout the last 8 weeks. Thank you to everyone who's listened and encouraged. And here's where I get corny and give a couple shout outs... to the best roommate and one of the best friends a girl could ask for, Jessica, and of course, to my parents. All three of whom have taken the lions share of my Fit League stories and been exceptionally supportive. Thanks guys.